See if you think each situation is legit or a scam.
Remember, these conversations can happen anywhere — on the phone, by text, or online.
Let's go!Let’s start with this email.
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
1 / 8
You get a fraud alert about a payment app...
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
2 / 8
Looks like another email, this time regarding account activity.
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
3 / 8
Now you’re getting a call!
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
4 / 8
Another email. Things are getting tricky...
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
5 / 8
You’re getting another text.
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
6 / 8
You’re getting another call on your phone.
Is this something your bank would ask?
What do you think?
7 / 8